Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Saint John

Executive Summary

The City of Saint John has a unique opportunity to recognize the risks associated with Climate Change and adapt municipal planning to enable the community to thrive under changing environmental conditions. Climate Change will result in an increase in temperature and precipitation, more frequent extreme weather such as post-tropical storms and ice storms, and rising sea levels. This shift in weather patterns and ocean levels will cause flooding, damage infrastructure, destroy habitats, isolate neighbourhoods, and create public health challenges. ACAP Saint John has completed a background report, Understanding Climate Change in Saint John, that describes the Climate Change projections and impacts for Saint John, New Brunswick. The Climate Change Adaptation Plan focuses on specific risks and actions that will be required to reduce the negative impacts of these changes on the natural and built environment.

ACAP Saint John has conducted extensive research to identify areas of concern throughout the City. Through a Gap Analysis of Existing Initiatives, Integrating Climate Change into Municipal Planning in Saint John, New Brunswick, was completed by reviewing municipal by-laws and existing municipal and provincial initiatives to identify available resources and reveal gaps in legislation. Research also involved community engagement which helped to voice public concerns. The public responses were included in the Risk and Vulnerability Assessment to highlight high risk issues in Saint John and guide the development of the Action Register, which provides 59 adaptation recommendations. The recommended actions are organized into eight objectives:

● Objective 1: Integrate Climate Change impacts into community planning.

● Objective 2: Reduce shoreline erosion & promote natural infrastructure.

● Objective 3: Protect natural spaces, local habitats & migration routes.

● Objective 4: Provide public education on how to deal with the impacts of Climate Change.

● Objective 5: Reduce the impact of Climate Change on human health.

● Objective 6: Support vulnerable groups to increase adaptive capacity.

● Objective 7: Increase resilience to flooding & sea level rise.

● Objective 8: Increase resilience to extreme weather.

The Adaptation Plan takes into consideration the ongoing social and environmental inequity that exists in Saint John, whereby areas with the most severe poverty rates are also those living in high flood risk areas or in closest proximity to highly vulnerable coastal areas. As well, the public health challenges associated with Climate Change are explored and specific actions are suggested to keep residents safe.

As municipal documents are updated, the Climate Change Adaptation Plan can be integrated, further encouraging implementation of the recommended actions and creating an aware and prepared society. Adapting to Climate Change is necessary for the City of Saint John to protect the communities that give this historic City the vibrant, maritime personality it is known for. Through implementation of this Adaptation Plan, the City has an opportunity to become a Canadian leader in climate resilience and coastal adaptation.


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